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Serving you modern payroll gibs. Dynamic payroll solution at a friendly rate.

Starts at ₱70/month per employee!

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Digital Transactions

Automatically generate bank files with ease. Need full-integration? Let's discuss.


Payroll Reports

Generate payroll reports with a digital form you use to notify governments of employment tax liabilities.


Payroll System

YOUR VERY OWN SYSTEM & PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR. Experience local Payroll With Powerful Integrations & Unified Processes.


Payslip Generation

Simplify compliance, mitigate risk and prepare for growth with a managed payroll solution. Payroll solutions tailored to your business goals, size of business, and location.


Our Support Services!

Anytime. Anywhere. We are here to help.

Dynamic payroll solution at a friendly rate

Redefine your manual processes and grow beyond the traditional payment methods with a solution that can handle any payroll situation!

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BIR Compliant

Updated to the latest Government Policies

Government Forms

SSS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig, BIR Forms, and other reports integrated for easy viewing to employees’ government benefits with comprehensive payroll software.

Tax Computations

Computations of Withholding Taxes and other Taxes integrated with a smart payroll solution made to grow with you.

Fully integrated with LemonadeHR to go beyond the new normal of work

Combined with a friendly HR solution from the neighborhood, get your daily dose of HR and Payroll combined with lemonade solutions created to grow with your business.

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